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52.2.12 Logistic Random Variable

The logistic distribution is a continuous distribution where it’s cumulative distribution function is the logistic function.

Function: pdf_logistic (x,a,b)

Returns the value at x of the density function of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

a is the location parameter and b is the scale parameter.

The pdf is

Categories: Package distrib ·
Function: cdf_logistic (x,a,b)

Returns the value at x of the distribution function of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

The cdf is

Categories: Package distrib ·
Function: quantile_logistic (q,a,b)

Returns the q-quantile of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0; in other words, this is the inverse of cdf_logistic. Argument q must be an element of [0,1]. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

Categories: Package distrib ·
Function: mean_logistic (a,b)

Returns the mean of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

The mean is

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Function: var_logistic (a,b)

Returns the variance of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

The variance is

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Function: std_logistic (a,b)

Returns the standard deviation of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

The standard deviation is

Categories: Package distrib ·
Function: skewness_logistic (a,b)

Returns the skewness coefficient of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

The skewness coefficient is

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Function: kurtosis_logistic (a,b)

Returns the kurtosis coefficient of a Logistic(a,b) random variable , with b>0. To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

The kurtosis coefficient is

Categories: Package distrib ·
Function: random_logistic (a,b)
    random_logistic (a,b,n)

Returns a Logistic(a,b) random variate, with b>0. Calling random_logistic with a third argument n, a random sample of size n will be simulated.

The implemented algorithm is based on the general inverse method.

To make use of this function, write first load("distrib").

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