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6.3 Identifiers

Maxima identifiers may comprise alphabetic characters, plus the numerals 0 through 9, plus any other character preceded by the backslash \ character.

A numeral may be the first character of an identifier if it is preceded by a backslash. Numerals which are the second or later characters need not be preceded by a backslash.

The alphabetic characters are initially %, _, and all characters for which the Lisp function ALPHA-CHAR-P returns true. Characters may be declared alphabetic by the declare function. If so declared, they need not be preceded by a backslash in an identifier.

Maxima is case-sensitive. The identifiers foo, FOO, and Foo are distinct. See Lisp and Maxima for more on this point.

A Maxima identifier is a Lisp symbol which begins with a dollar sign $. Any other Lisp symbol is preceded by a question mark ? when it appears in Maxima. See Lisp and Maxima for more on this point.


(%i1) %an_ordinary_identifier42;
(%o1)               %an_ordinary_identifier42
(%i2) embedded\ spaces\ in\ an\ identifier;
(%o2)           embedded spaces in an identifier
(%i3) symbolp (%);
(%o3)                         true
(%i4) [foo+bar, foo\+bar];
(%o4)                 [foo + bar, foo+bar]
(%i5) [1729, \1729];
(%o5)                     [1729, 1729]
(%i6) [symbolp (foo\+bar), symbolp (\1729)];
(%o6)                     [true, true]
(%i7) [is (foo\+bar = foo+bar), is (\1729 = 1729)];
(%o7)                    [false, false]
(%i8) baz\~quux;
(%o8)                       baz~quux
(%i9) declare ("~", alphabetic);
(%o9)                         done
(%i10) baz~quux;
(%o10)                      baz~quux
(%i11) [is (foo = FOO), is (FOO = Foo), is (Foo = foo)];
(%o11)                [false, false, false]
(%i12) :lisp (defvar *my-lisp-variable* '$foo)
(%i12) ?\*my\-lisp\-variable\*;
(%o12)                         foo
Categories: Syntax ยท

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